
Voodoo Queen

She Danced like an african queen
into the night
Twisting back and forward
Moves of a goddess
Unseen magic
Her soul
The drums
Beautifully united
He was wrapped in
Thousand spells
Burning fire
inside of him
Yearning for her
for a kiss , for a touch
The picture went wild
Faster drums
Faster moves
High up , High up
As he gazed at her
Swallowed by the open fire
Nothing left but ashes
Aching inside his soul
Reviving it
Ropes enslaving him
to a passion
a ghost
Was never real to begin with!!!


Theater of broken souls

I am trapped inside of this play
A scenario , and a plot
Unseen audience
Some are satisfied
some are not

Walking down the stairs of life
With every step
A new character is born
It feels like forever
So tired
A broken winged bird
Struggling to fly
Careless world
My lights are not turned off
It's not over
A shriek of a laughter
A whine of another
My curtains have not fallen yet
My performance is yet to begin

With broken wings
Trying my last dance....


Broken Mirror

Let my face not fool you
It's a mask
from my old bag of tricks
The true me
is not caught by you
You may see my grin
but it's not me
Fooling you
not to see my sin
A surface
A lie
Deep inside
I am a broken mirror
shattered portraits
It's when the words fail
Only silence can suffice...


Black Swan

As I took a step into your life
I knew a new chapter was written
In my head
I pictured a true romance
I made a frame
I thought of music

and a lovely dance
I had my favourite white dress
and the sun beams danced on my eyes
So bright
It blinded me
I never saw

It was a trap
Once I was there
The darkness fell on me
So late , So late
to realise
You were never real
You were nothing but pain

I tried to escape
I couldn't break the chain
My light within
Is slowly dying
I feel bare
You killed the beauty in me

A black swan was born
As I am leaving your life
I am leaving a white swan
leaving a part of me
There ....



Somewhere along the road
My heart is buried
I wear some clothes
but they are not mine
The boots , and the hay crown
on my dry long hair
I told you at the very start
I am a gypsy
The road is my best friend
Nowhere is my sweet home
I told you
I am wild
Not easy to tame
As I left you asleep
and the moon played on your closed eyes
In your dreams
Holding my hands
as I am walking alone again
A sad smile crosses my lips
Seeing your face
when you are awake
Holding nothing but a blanket
With a scent of mine
and a straw of my hay crown
That I once was there
With you.



Hours turned into days
days turned into months
As I am walking
The snow is falling
I know that
Years has passed me by
since the last time I saw your face
Your eyes ,
Your lips
And heard your voice
You still linger in me
Reside within
Has been the years nice to you?
Have you found the love?
Like a river flows
I think of you
A memory
All what is left with me
I am now nothing but a stranger
to step into your dreams
once again
I will just keep walking
on the snow
my footsteps
will be covered soon enough
Like it was never there
Just like me
when I left your world...
A very long t ime ago...

My beautiful friend

My summer is done
My leaves are falling
A long way to catch
a beautiful spring
Deserted hearts
Cold nights
Another day without you
My friend
I try to cover up the hurt
The pain
Swallow my bitter tears
I just have to go on
with my life
and accept the fate
that you are no longer a part
The ache fills my heart
Without you
My friend
You brought a smile to my lips
but all I feel is pain
hits me again ...