I waited , I waited
for so long
I waited for you
to take my hand
and ask me to dance
to give us a chance
A dream
for so long
I waited for you to knock on my door
On your knees
without words Asking
to be mine forevermore.
for so long
I waited for you to be my reality
and to protect my dreams
but now I know the truth
Do not breathe on my forehead
I don't want me to fall more
I will mend my broken heart Once again I will rebuild my crumblig walls
It's time for me to go I am stumbling for the door
There's no turning back It's time for me to go
for so long ,
I waited....
I Remember you with love,
smiles and butterflies
No tears I remember you under blue clear skies under the shinning stars
A vast void , I dont know how to fill
It hurts
but wont take me over
A goodbye
but your love will always stay
as a gentle snow falling upon my tears
as a little first beam of a sunlight
Traces of you
linger here
your print in my heart
and my viens
wherever I may go
You are always by my side
a love like yours
It's hard to find!!
* I am the flame and I am the dry bush, and one part of me consumes the other part.
** I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind , yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers.
*** I prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realized, than lord among those without dreams and desires.
**** Only once have I been made mute. It was when a man asked me, "Who are you?" **** Remembrance is a form of meeting. Forgetfulness is a form of freedom.
***** How can I lose faith in the justice of life, when the dreams of those who sleep upon feathers are not more beautiful than the dreams of those who sleep upon the earth?
****** Strange, The desire for certain pleasures is a part of my pain.
Young , Young hearts
loving , soft
full of life
a spring
the winter is so far behind
beautiful , green green grass
singing lips
shinning eyes
young , young hearts
the dreams are white
never leave my sight
the dreams are blue
the dreams are you
delicate touch
a tender first kiss
Its a purple dream
I am moving , flowing
A stream
You are my purple , Purple dream
My only dream!