
Your pieces are falling ....

I once knew you ,
Innocent and pure
few steps to heaven
where did the real you go ?
I am puzzled, Confused
I know you
No more.
I look at you
but those eyes are not yours,
the smile
and the scorn
A touch
So cold..
A twisted charm
A fading sunset
Embracing the darkness
Yet , I am to convince myself
It's not you.
but something has take a toll on you


My Illusionist

Not long ago ,
I held your hands ,
I felt the warmth within
A fantasy
then there was none
yet you were real enough
to love you
to dwell in your illusions
I slowly open my eyes
To stare at my bad luck
Pain is a dull knife
stabbing me
to bleed me
I close my eyes
Once again
to welcome myself
to your  world
away from my reality
Inside your illusion ....


A Child Again ...

Innocence within
Soft eyes
Bright dreams
Clear smile ,
Singing laugh
a river flow
Pure heart
a fresh start
A child again ,
a dream
to be a child again
Riding my fantasy
Laughing everything to happiness
Everything is possible
beyond my head
Love is everything
a crown on my head
is my middle name
A child again ...


The Confessor

Your lips are burning
for a kiss
your skin is glowing
A touch
You desire me
yet you're scared
you want
what you can never have
I am a confessor
Not your lost lover
I am the forbidden  fruit
I have daggers
You travelled for days
for months , and years
to get to me
Your eyes are shinning
Emotions locked
On the hill
from my temple
I look down at you
move closer
I am real
move closer
I am your confessor
be mine
be under my spell
be my lover


Mother ...

My mother is a poem , I'll never be able to write, though everything I write is a poem to my mother.

A love ,
Pure , and strong
Stronger than hurricanes
Softer than a summer rain
The depth
The width
A love
that takes me high
and softly embraces me down
into an ocean
I am not scared to drown
Your hands are around me
Taking me to a safe shore
Mother , My mother
You're so weak , yet so strong
Your love
make changes
within me
within many more
I love you ...


Pulling Your Strings

Stare into my eyes
I shall ensalve you
Strings , Strings
My puppet
I start the show
You're mine
Try to reach to me
Touch nothing
yet you can feel me
I am inside your head
Can't you hear me
Scream louder
I am sure your can't
Twisted thoughts
in a twisted mind
Don't try to escape
Noway out ,
Don't play with fire
it may burn you
yet from your ashes
I shall build wonders



A lonesome she-wolf
Nowhere is my home
on the run
and forever
I didnt break someone's heart
I am not in love
It was just a thought
I can only love me
My heart is a ship
a place for one
two can never go
Try no more
I am not looking your way
I will move forward
where the light comes from
I howl to the sea
in the middle of every night
With open eyes
I stare at the moon
I am never home.

Nothing is mine
Nothing is truly mine...


Wild , Wild Spirit

I no longer endure
A tank ,
I yearn for the vast ocean
Unleashed waves
Wind on my face
I no longer can stand
the ground
I want to fly
Glide high , high
to the seventh sky
A hope
Shall never dies within me
The busy streets
The city lights
I am never a part
I never was
Green Green
singing butterflies
Never seen
I've been there ....


As I am fading away...

As I am fading away
I call your name
I know your eyes
I know your heart
your pain
As I am fading away
I look through me
through everything
I break the memories
I tear the pictures
Tell me
how does it feel
to feel like this
tearing away
In the end
I erase myself
behind my closed doors
Nothing left
a gap
a hole
where my heart used to be..
As I am fading away