
When the love fades away ...

As I lay here,
I Slowly open my eyes
to look at your fading smile
Now Im telling you,
you've been removed from everything that belong to me,
dont try to ask,
because there will be no answers.
Iam dead to you
dont try to reach for me,
because its too late now,
too late to relight the flame when its cold.
and to hell with your helping hand...!

I will be damned
if Im going to cry over losing a knight
in shining armor
who wasnt even real to begin with.
I will not even discuss what happened with you
or any one else on gods green earth!
I'll just let it go...
It's over ,
Dead and dusted
I'm going to start it all from here ...
without a single tear...
I wont beg you .. please!

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