
I had a rose .. For love..

Things were bright ,
A smile on my confident lips
I had eyes on the road before me
Ready for love
I took a step toward to it
I reached out my hand
for  a touch , for a taste
A taste which was so bitter
to start with
The love has forsaken me
Not even a chance
for my first step , for my dance
I felt the pain shaking my world
like a sharp sword
Cutting into my rose
I desperately tried to share with someone
never been found
I left it behind
It does not belong
I do not belong
To find me
face to face with a terrible silence
ever-lasting loneliness
inside my walls
I scream
Will you ever hear ?


It has been always mine

I gathered the years of sadness
The years that passed me by
Under my pillow ,
I waited , I waited
For the fairy
To take it all away
Never happened
I held my pain
I made a sculpture
I gave it the eyes
The smile
And the features
The sculpture gazed back at me
Right into my eyes
Why does it hurt so much in the inside
Why the pain so just so much to endure
In the end
It cracked
Piece by piece
Falling down to the floor
Broken  , Damaged
I gathered the piece..
I put it back
Inside me
Where it belongs
Where it always has been …



You are the magic
Within the words
You are the smiles ,
You are the frozen tears
You are the fantasy
Of the worlds
You are everyone’s dream
A fairytale
A saga about ancient lands
You are the poetry
The prose
You are everything
I know
You are everything
I don’t know
You are the wind in my hair
And the breeze on my cheeks

You are so hard to describe
You are the magic Santa

Giving me my loving heart back
In a cold Christmas eve
Say: bless you child
before you leave.


The Turning of the tide

That night she tried to sleep watching the sky through the window , The stars were stabs of light against a dark blue cloth , and the moon was yellow and round , In the still of the night, the only sound was a gentle ticking and a soft whisper says : O come to me beloved and stay here , by my side , Come to me at the turning of the tide.

The voice was smooth and silky ,it suggested that wonders existed which would make all she had seen so far become thin and flat and forgotten ,amazing things lay just around the corner and the voice know its way , She moved slowly , following the silky voice , to something she never experienced before.

O come to me beloved and stay here , by my side , Come to me at the turning of the tide.


Cattleya ...

Don’t step into my world
It isn’t a bed of roses
It’s just death echoing inside my walls
Don’t look into my eyes
I am not ready for love
a fighter
I am not here to stay
There is a road ahead of me
A Cattleya
Soft skin
Calm surface
A rose
Deadly thorns
I don’t want to hurt you
Keep a distance away from me
A smile
Promising eyes
I am good in telling lies
A Cattleya
Smells so good
Tell me ,
Does death smell bad ?


A Machine

I remember
I was born same year as you
and you died yesterday
In my corner
I feel tired
I am out of function
yet I am not dead
Don't blame me
If I am not what I seem to be
Don't ask me about love
I am just an idea of life
my head is empty
but I remember everything
and my soul is a void
Don't ask me about my heart
my tears and my smiles
I am just a machine
made of steel
I was made for you
to ease your troubled mind
to please you
but now you're dead
I am left in this dark corner
a loner
yet I can't die....


Somebody's friend.

I don't want to be someone's lover
I want to be someone's friend
to be the your morning star
and your evening sun
to sing along with your front door's grass
to take your hand , away we run
into the night
The silence of the moon
and the still ocean
I want to be someone's friend
to be anything that your lover can't
never scared to look into your eyes
a mirror before me
reflecting the darkness in me
pouring light into me
completing me
completing you
I don't want a romance
I just want a friendship
a taste of sweetness
without broken heart
and bitter tears
turning to dust ...
I want to be somebody's friend.