
The Turning of the tide

That night she tried to sleep watching the sky through the window , The stars were stabs of light against a dark blue cloth , and the moon was yellow and round , In the still of the night, the only sound was a gentle ticking and a soft whisper says : O come to me beloved and stay here , by my side , Come to me at the turning of the tide.

The voice was smooth and silky ,it suggested that wonders existed which would make all she had seen so far become thin and flat and forgotten ,amazing things lay just around the corner and the voice know its way , She moved slowly , following the silky voice , to something she never experienced before.

O come to me beloved and stay here , by my side , Come to me at the turning of the tide.

1 comment:

  1. What is that from? O come to me beloved? I have heard it before but cannot remember where.
