
The Queen of a thousand dreams !

Give me your hand
Touch me
It feels good
Sweetly it hurts
We're broken people now
we reply on each other
I am all the words
from your lips
You're the keeper of my voice
You are an island
I couldnt pass by
I needed to discover
A mist of passion
Beautiful love
Under the moonlight
sing for me
a dream
a hope
that you are mine
I am your symphony
Soft , delicate
even loud
a rythme without a reason
We both shall
love and despair


Mamma , Please hear me

Mamma , I am stabbed
I am crawling on the floor
I am broken
Give me your hand
Hold me
heal the inside of me
Mamma , the pain takes over
I desperately looking for you
Don't look away
pick up my pieces
Fix my soul
clean the dirt
clean the stain
Mamma , they broke me
They tore me apart
Stitch me together ....


A kiss

A first kiss myth is good,
a myth of pure love,
lips hardly touching
shivering ,
Hearts deeply into each other ,
Loud beats ,
Closed eyes....


We always forget that behind our happy facad and the joyful smile , There is piles of scars and oceans of sadness that go whole way to the very soul !!!!

When the night falls.

When the night falls
I play a song for you
Every night
under the stars
and the silver moon
I play it softly
on the strings of my dying heart
it hurts me
I bleed
but I want to reach you
I know that you hear me
no matter how far you are
I know that we sleep under the same sky
Every night
you wait for me
to play it for you
when the night falls.


Another you , Another me....

Goodbye is my last word to you
I love you , It hurts .
Happy yet blue
I can't possibly love you more than I do
Then in the middle 
I look at us
Tearing apart
We are no more
but memories
broken dreams
If I could wish
Just one wish
I would wish
for me and you
that somehow
there is another me
somewhere meeting another you
and they re never to be apart
If I could wish
Just one wish
It would be
a better world for me and you
I love you.....


True friend

I planted few flowers, one for each friend .I think they were four, but I only remember one!! When the autumn and winter came ,my flowers died , but when the spring returned the flowers came back to life , but to my surprise only three were standing there , strong and smiling at the face of the sun . One day heavy clouds passed them , angry rain poured heavily from a very dark sky , my flowers fell down , broken and dead. The sun came back again strong and good , I gazed at the two flowers that stood there happy and enjoying the lovely summer breeze . the time passed by and a rage storm visited again my dear flowers , Suddenly , It was only a lonely little flower left. The storm broke you , and in the rain you were drowned , I am very sure , You are my real true friend!!!!


Taking back what's mine

I rise up ,
Once again my dear
I rise up from ashes
Broken dreams
I will find my way back to you
Nothing will hold me back
There is no locks
There is no blinds
I desire you
so you're mine
I will sneak like a thief in the night
I will steal you
I will hide you
within my heart
under my skin
for your sake
I rise up again
Nothing will ever hold me down
I am leaving this old town
Following your trails
finding you
soon enough .....


When I said go.

Walk ,
Don't look back
Leave this world of mine
Close the door behind you

Cut the ropes
Free me
feeling lighter
a balloon
caught in the wind
no longer touching the ground

Daggers into my heart
New wounds , on old scars

Tears well hidden
behind my thin mask


Dry heart in a dry season....

I was young
My world was small
My dreams were big
Everything was possible
I had wishes
They never came true

They were burnt
Into ashes
I held out my hand
to reach for something bigger
Nothing was there

I had a love
Passion and happiness
Things had to crack
Left me broken
I grew older
The clouds were too far from my grasp
I am lonely and grey
A craddle which is not mine
I rock my doll to sleep
I can't see
and I lost my sense of touch
If I am gentle enough
I would give you a smile
from an old woman lips
It wouldnt enchant you
My charm is no longer there
Step into my hut
My remains
Wouldn't do you any harm....