
Mask, Mask , Mask , Masks .. and you .

Today,I decided to talk to you ,about these matters that with myself I too much discussed. About your matters.
and here I am trying to you by the hand and show you around your self.. from the inside , and ensure you that it's not late yet.

I want to say that I know you , I know who you're and I know what are you about. I know your true colors for I can see through you, I can see you , I can read you. and above all this I do understand you.
No , Do not be surprised my dear because someone (ME) knows about the person inside of you , the person who you tried desperately to bury. the person who you hid in that dark corner so none could see. who you tried to suffocate in you.
Many masks you've created and you're still creating , weaving more and more because you are not satisfied with it all. You're still looking for the perfect mask that may hide you from all the surroundings even from yourself. But It's not found yet.

I know you met quite a lot of people and each one loved one of your masks , Each one said :'I love you to death' , but It wasn't meant for you , It was for the mask you're wearing because the people get what they see and none of them saw you.
You met many people but they always had to leave , you always had to shut them out of your life because you knew that you couldn't continue , you knew it from the very start that It would never last because they loved you but the mask you were wearing, It was never you.
People came to your life but how quickly they went away? and you would comfort yourself and say 'They didn't love me , the real me , they loved the mask on me' Yes that's true because that's what you wanted them to see.
Don't you feel your loss? Don't you pity yourself? I am sure you do. because I can Imagine you how lonely you are with your cold masks ... because I can even see through you , deep within you heart a chamber is filled with emotions ,Overflowing from never having been let out. Until the point comes  , when they're so much too bear , alone in your room  , you give in , and everything come out in tears. and then you pick yourself back up , and wipe the evidence of tears from your face,you put a smile and walk back into the world like nothing is wrong,like you are not torn apart , but the truth stays behind locked within the confides of your bedroom.. your escape. 

But me , I am not fooled by you , I am not fooled by the face you wear , You're trying to give everyone the impression that you're secure that all is great and unruffled with you , within as well as without , that the water is calm and that you are in command and that you need no one.
I know that pretending is an art that's second nature with you...
You wear a mask ,You wear a thousand masks , masks that you're  afraid to take off and none of them is you..

even though when you could be off without it ...It's like a weapon that protect you , or like a drug which you are addicted to...yes you're addicted to play a role on the stage of life , your life.
You never want to divulge who are you , because you are scared of who are you , because you hate you existence , you hate being you , you want to be someone else. with a different name , a different address and a different face , a different language , because you are afraid that the others  wont accept you the way you are .
But now I'm telling you and holding out my hand for you!. I know you and I love you .. I love the beautiful person inside of you , I appreciate who you are ... I love you .. be you!!!!
don't hurt yourself to impress  others , don't hide yourself to make others love you , don't waste your youth because of are so beautiful by being you .. don't rot it , don't shatter your tomorrows because of some old dusted yesterdays , don't let it all burn away!
I will help you , I will hear you and I will hold you .. I will take you by my side and put you under my wings , I will save you , I will make you fall in love with yourself again. and To hell what the others think about you ,because while you will believe in yourself , you'll know that life is much worth living rather than hiding behind a mask , as mask that wont get you anywhere! but by being you , you will conquer everywhere .. all the closed doors  , to new life .. real life .. without a mask upon your face.

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